stiffness load câu
Joint stiffness usually starts in the joints of the hands.Thông thường, cứng khớp bắt đầu ở các khớp bàn tay. Stiffness is common afte...

arterial stiffness
A daily dose reduced arterial stiffness.Mỗi ngày một trái táo giảm nguy cơ xơ cứng động mạch In addition, they experienced a 6.5 perce...

bending stiffness
The core material is normally low strength material, but its higher thickness provides the sandwich composite with high bending stiffne...

dynamic stiffness
For example, normative relative dynamic stiffness of a rail-string span in a high-speed STU is equal to 1/5000, whereas in conventional...

effective stiffness
is the effective stiffness of the tower,Dáng vóc lạ vẻ trầm hương ngọn tháp, The stiffness and strength of the connections mean that t...

excessive stiffness
While resting at the first sign of pain may be beneficial, movement can help prevent excessive stiffness and discomfort in the back.Mặc...

overall stiffness
Doubled, while increasing the overall stiffness at the same time the overall stability also increased significantly.Tăng gấp đôi, trong...

reduced stiffness
Overall, the exercise reduced stiffness in the aorta, the main artery in the body.Nhìn chung, bài tập sẽ làm giảm độ cứng ở động mạch c...

stiffness factor
F1 racing frame construction is made of light, expensive components, but the stiffness factor is not so overlooked.Kết cấu khung sườn c...

stiffness matrix
where [ K ] is the stiffness matrix.Trong đó [ K ] là ma trận độ cứng phần tử hữu hạn.

tension stiffness
Back pain, tension, stiffness in the lower back the most common problems sooner or later face the most people.Đau lưng, căng thẳng và c...

torsional stiffness
This helps contribute to a torsional stiffness of 27,000 Nm, up 15% from the previous generation model.Vật liệu này có độ cứng xoắn 27....

Oh, my God, load up the Volvo, I want to be a soccer mom.Oh, my God, sắm 1 cái Volvo, tớ sẽ là mẹ của 1 đội bóng. You can pick up your...

no load
On no load, the system switches off automatically if required.Nếu không hệ thống sẽ tự động huỷ bỏ khi cần thiết. Work current: 15mA (...

Think about choosing a no-load fund.Tốt nhất bạn nên chọn một quỹ không thu phí (no-load fund). Why You Should Buy No-Load Funds!Tại s...

on no load
On no load, the system switches off automatically if required.Nếu không hệ thống sẽ tự động huỷ bỏ khi cần thiết. On no load, the syst...

ac load
AC load banks can provide predictive failure analysis of backup power systems in any industry.Thử nghiệm ngân hàng tải AC có thể cung c...

active load
When a user accesses your website, the request goes through the external IP address to the active load balancer.Khi người dùng truy cập...

actual load
It doesn’t give you the actual load time, but it does break down over 20 different performance cues.Nó không cung cấp cho bạn thời gian...

additional load
During the Sahara crossing, “Otto” was burdened with an additional load of 400 kilogrammes on the roof.Trong khi băng qua Sahara, “Otto...

applied load
The applied load voltage (which can be any value up to 30 V DC) is fed through to supply the actuators.Điện áp tải (có thể là bất kỳ gi...

apply a load
In order to create muscle development, you need to apply a load of stress greater than that which your entire body or muscles had previ...

asymmetrical load
Direct Server Return: an option for asymmetrical load distribution, where request and reply have different network paths.Direct Server ...

average load
The average load time in the U.S. was a very low 0.144 seconds.Thời gian tải trung bình ở Mỹ là khoảng 0,144 giây. The average load wi...

axial load
Acceptable axial load capacity in both directionsChấp nhận được tải trọng trục công suất trong cả hai hướng They can also support radi...